Allergy Testing SPECIFIC for Orlando Allergens
Skin Prick Testing- $400

Skin prick testing is the most common method of allergy testing. During this test, the skin is slightly pricked while a small drop of allergen is exposed to the skin for 15 minutes. Your Doctor will then monitor the skin for signs of an allergic reaction, including redness and swelling. You can expect to experience some discomfort when your skin is being pricked, and also some itchiness while the allergens are allowed to react. This test is usually done to identify allergies to pollen, mold, pet dander, dust mites, and foods. Skin prick tests are generally safe for adults and children. However, this test is not recommended for people with skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis.
Allergy Blood Testing
Price depends on the panel- billed directly by the Genova Diagnostics Lab

Blood testing may be recommended by your doctor to measure the antibodies present in your blood. One common blood test in the field of allergy measures Immunoglobulin E (IgE). IgE is an antibody that your immune system develops in reaction to a specific allergen. Other relevant blood tests include radioallergosorbent testing (RAST), eosinophil counts.
This test is best used for those will skin conditions that cannot complete a skin prick or patch test. Allergy blood tests usually test for ten of the most common allergy triggers, including dust, pet dander, trees, grasses, weeds, and molds. It can also detect food allergies.
There are no special preparations for a blood test, which makes it a more convenient option for some. There is also less risk when taking this type of test. Since the allergist is drawing blood and not injecting an allergen, you will not experience an allergic reaction. Blood tests are recommended for people who must take certain medications daily. It is also the best option for those who suffer from severe skin conditions.
IgG Foods
87 foods plus total IgE
IgG Vegetarian
21 foods plus total IgE
IgG Spices
24 spices plus total IgE
IgE Foods
19 foods plus total IgE
IgE Molds
15 molds plus total IgE
IgE Inhalants
16 inhalants plus total IgE
Celiac Profile
Total IgA, tTG IgA, tTG IgG, DGP IgA, DGP IgG and EMA IgA

Orlando Allergy Testing and Treatment
More than 500 million people worldwide have allergies. Many of them suffer in silence because the way ahead is too confusing. Allergy testing can test for environmental, food, insect, and animal allergies. We offer Skin Prick testing and Blood Antigen Tests for comprehensive evaluation. Allergy testing combined with a full examination by a physician can help you determine which allergens to avoid. For treatment, we offer innovate Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) which has long be used already in Canada and Europe. Sublingual therapy is effective and convenient way to treat your allergies from the comfort of your home without weekly visit to doctor's office and without the need for weekly needle injections.

Allergy Treatment For Orlando Allergens
Sublingual Immunotherapy- under the tongue treatment for allergy
Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is an alternative way to treat allergies without injections. Long developed and used in Europe as well as Canada, United States has only recently had sublingual immunotherapy(SLIT) commercially available. SLIT treats the cause of allergies by giving small doses of what a person is allergic to, which increases “immunity” to the allergen and reduces the allergic symptoms. Unlike injection immunotherapy, which is given as shots, sublingual immunotherapy is given as drops under the tongue. Specialists in the United States have used allergen extracts made for injection and provided them to patients as drops for patients to use sublingually. As these extracts were not prepared for oral use, this is considered “off-label” use. Furthermore health insurance plans do not reimburse for the costs of these extracts used in this manner. This means that patients have to pay out of pocket for these extracts usually provided in dropper vials. Once the allergen is determined, an extract in drop or tablet is prescribed. In office, the patient is directed to keep the extract under the tongue for one to two minutes and then swallow it. The process is repeated at home anywhere from three days a week to daily. During the first four months, called the escalation phase, the dosage of the extract is gradually increased.
Sublingual immunotherapy is relatively safe and effective form of treatment for rhinitis and asthma caused by allergies to dust mites, grass, ragweed, cat dander, and tree pollens. Evidence suggests that sublingual immunotherapy may be effective for treating bothersome eyes caused by pollen during hay fever season.
Request an appointment with the doctor to see if sublingual immunotherapy is right for you. Vials will take one to two weeks to mix before treatment can start. Patients take the drops in the convenience of their own homes and visit their doctor only once or twice per year. It is recommended that patients keep using the drops for three to five years in order for the body to build up a lasting immunity.